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A New Orthography


Serhiy Zhadan

Translated by John Hennessy and Ostap Kin


A New Orthography by Serhiy Zhadan is the fifth volume in Lost Horse Press’s Contemporary Ukrainian Poetry Series. In these poems, the poet focuses on daily life during the Russo-Ukrainian war, rendering intimate portraits of the country’s residents as they respond to crisis. Zhadan revives and revises the role of the nineteenth-century Romantic bard, one who portrays his community with clarity, preserving its most precious aspects and darkest nuances. The poems investigate questions of home, exile, solitude, love, and religious faith, making vivid the experiences of noncombatants, refugees, soldiers, and veterans. This collection will be of interest to those who study how poetry observes and mirrors the shifts within a country during wartime, and it offers solace as well.

Lost Horse Press Contemporary Ukrainian Poetry Series

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Serhiy Zhadan is a Ukrainian poet, writer, essayist, and translator. John Hennessy is the author of two collections, Coney Island Pilgrims and Bridge and Tunnel. Ostap Kin is editor of New York Elegies: Ukrainian Poems on the City.

Lost Horse Press Contemporary Ukrainian Poetry Series

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