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The Keys to the Cottage

Stories from the West of Ireland

Carlos Reyes


“Carlos Reyes has an almost Joycean ear for the nuances of Irish speech, and in The Keys to the Cottage he catches the energy and music of the talk and the crosstalk of a rural Ireland which scarcely exists any more. From his first bewildering encounters with people who see him as just another Yank, an outsider passing through, we watch him being enfolded into a culture and a family which he observes with a clear but loving eye. A rich and gentle humor suffuses this book; as Ireland changes rapidly Reyes holds onto a vison of a slower time of hard farmwork, long sessions of poetry and pints, and endless cups of tea lubricating talk of politics and pigs. He gives us a host of characters, in that special Irish sense of the word which mixes personality with an engrossing crookedness of individuality. By the end, the outsider has become the genial chronicler of the kinds of lives that will not be seen again, and has become an insider more Irish than many of the Irish themselves.”–Ger Killeen

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Carlos Reyes is a noted Portland poet, translator, and world traveler. His latest book of poetry is Pomegranate, Sister of the Heart (Lost Horse Press, 2013). The Book of Shadows: New and Selected Poems was published by Lost Horse Press in 2009. A Suitcase Full of Crows (1995) was a winner of the Bluestem Prize. His most recent book of translations is Poemas de amor y locura / Poems of Love and Madness: Selected Translations (Lynx House Press, 2013). In 2008 he was recipient of The Fortner Award from Saint Andrews College. He has been an Oregon Art Commission Fellow, a Yaddo Fellow, a Fundacion Valparaiso Fellow (Spain), a Henrich Boll Fellow (Ireland), an Island Institute Fellow (Sitka, Alaska), as well as poet-in-resident at the Joshua Tree National Park, Acadia National Park, and most recently Devils Tower National Monument.

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