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Possible Sybils

New Poems

Madeline DeFrees


“Just as one feels the density, the pressure of the earth in the hope of the diamond ‘waiting in its blue haze’ one hundred and fifty miles down, so these poems flare with light precisely because their vision is sharpened by the impediments, the irony of ‘Marie Antoinette moving her jewels aside for the blade.'”–Tess Gallagher, reviewing a previous edition or volume

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“Just as one feels the density, the pressure of the earth in the hope of the diamond ‘waiting in its blue haze’ one hundred and fifty miles down, so these poems flare with light precisely because their vision is sharpened by the impediments, the irony of ‘Marie Antoinette moving her jewels aside for the blade.'”–Tess Gallagher, reviewing a previous edition or volume


“These poems are like Donne’s . . . in their ‘metaphysical’ mixture of incongrous elements, their use of outrageous conceit . . . their limited allusiveness, and mostly in their refusal to allow the speaker (or the reader) any rest, any false resolution of the unrelenting struggle she is locked in.”–Robert Holland, Poetry, reviewing a previous edition or volume

“About Magpie on the Gallows: It is her unstinting commitment to literary excellence and personal integrity in the face of isolation that brings us back again and again to these poems, which continue to render fresh associations and nuances of meaning with each reading.”–Carolyne Wright, Prairie Schooner, reviewing a previous edition or volume

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